Dushyant Shrikhande

User Experience Research, Design, and Writing

Hello, I’m Dushyant Shrikhande, and I am a student of UX. It first piqued my interest when I was in the final semester of my Bachelor’s Degree. Soon after that, I decided to pursue a Master’s in Human Computer Interaction.  For 4 years, I worked for Lextant, where I help companies across various domains gain valuable insights into how their products and services are viewed and used by the end user. Now, I work at iHeartRadio.

I have 4 years of experience conducting usability research on in-car infotainment, hardware and software interfaces, and even Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). I have also worked with companies in the insurance, banking, and energy domains, primarily on web and mobile usability, and even generative research. Now, I work on conducting research on apps and services that cover over 250 audio platforms.

From my perspective, I really feel like User Experience is the key to bridging the gap between Developers, Designers, and Project Managers. It is so much more than a buzzword, or the flavor of the month.

Through this website, I want to satiate my appetite for writing while doing my bit towards contributing to the UX community. I go more into detail about me and why I write, in the “About Me” section, here.

While I will always try to provide my own views about UX (the Shri-Views, if you will), this website will also be a creative conduit for anything that might be on my mind.

Social Media

Connect with me via LinkedIn and Twitter. You can also check out my Youtube channel.

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